Understanding Color Theories in the Context of New Media

In the ever-changing landscape of digital media, color theory is critical in defining user experiences and affecting impressions. As we explore digital platforms, websites, and multimedia material, designers, marketers, and content providers must understand how colors influence our emotions and behaviors. This essay dives into the fundamentals of color theory and how they can be

Understanding Color Theories in the Context of New Media Read More »

Actual necessity of these “service letters” and what a “certificate of achievement” really means.

Recently, I have seen young people posting their service letters, obtained from their workplaces, on their LinkedIn and Facebook profiles, rather than posting their achievements. Is it necessary to post a service letter, which pertains to a different subject matter, on social media? Let’s examine the actual necessity of these “service letters” and what a

Actual necessity of these “service letters” and what a “certificate of achievement” really means. Read More »

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